Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Jan 1, 2024 – Jan 7, 2024 – You’re starting the new year on a rocky note when Venus in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces early on Monday. You want to keep the NYE party going, but everyone else wants to go to bed. It’s time to pack it in so you can get some sleep too.

Officially start 2024 by taking a good look at your budget once Mercury moves forward in your value zone later that day, especially if the holiday shopping season left you in the red. While you’re optimistic about the year ahead, Scorpio, make sure you’re able to afford your big adventures.

Honesty is the best policy for the start of the year when Mars enters Capricorn and your communication zone on Thursday. Use this energy to get things off your chest and start 2024 with a clean slate. However, don’t be too honest. Be sensitive even if you’re doing the right thing.

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