Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Jan 8, 2024 – Jan 14, 2024 – The moon is in Capricorn and your communication zone on Thursday, granting you the gift of gab. This is a great time for public speaking, writing contracts, and solving last year’s problems so they stop bothering you. Get it off your chest, Scorpio!

Especially since there’s a strong possibility of drama in your social life once Juno goes retrograde in your friendship zone over the weekend. Over the next few months, you could have a hard time trusting your friends, which could tear your group apart. Stay away from social media and focus on real life.

Fortunately, the next two weeks will give you a boost once Mercury enters your communication zone on Saturday. You can easily plot and scheme your way to the top with energy and stamina. This is a great time to solve problems, make plans, and just talk everything out. Speak up!

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