Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Mar 27, 2023 – Apr 2, 2023 – Start the week by getting deep into your feelings as Mercury conjoins Jupiter in your subconscious zone. Learning about those deep feelings can lead to healing when you finally get the answers you deserve. Don’t be afraid to do what scares you, Taurus. It could lead to a major breakthrough that changes your life.
Spend time with friends when Mars in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces on Thursday. Have some deep and passionate discussions over drinks with your besties. Talk things over with the people who really get you.
Thursday is also a great day to change up your look when Venus conjoins Uranus in your sign. Enter spring with a brand-new look that will help boost your confidence. Don’t be afraid to show off your signature style and treat yourself to a little luxury. You deserve it!