Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Jul 17, 2023 – Jul 23, 2023 – Your week begins on a hectic note during the Cancer new moon in your communication zone on Monday. This could be a very stressful day because you feel like you have to do everything RIGHT NOW. Luckily, you don’t have to do it alone. Invite a friend to keep you company while you run errands, Taurus.

Get your life together now, because things could get pretty dramatic when Venus goes into retrograde in your family zone on Saturday, creating a real family feud. Relationships with loved ones could be frayed and go down in flames, especially if someone breaks from tradition. Delays will keep you rootless, so put any home renovations on pause until fall.

With all the Venus retrograde drama, you’ll have a strong urge to stay home when the sun enters your home zone on Saturday. Spend the next few weeks practicing self-care as you find your footing again.

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