Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Oct 23, 2023 – Oct 29, 2023 – Despite being spooky season, it’s going to be all treats and no tricks when the sun enters Scorpio and your partnership zone on Monday. For the next few weeks you’ll be focused on sharing your life with someone and taking relationships, from romantic to business, to the next level.

Especially since you’ll be feeling yourself during the lunar eclipse in your sign on Saturday. This is a great time for self-reflection as you look at all you’ve done in the last several months and what you want to do next. New opportunities can come today, Taurus, but think them through before accepting. Good luck!

End the week on a confessional note when Mercury conjoins Mars in your partnership zone on Sunday. This is a great time to express your deepest feelings and form new and exciting partnerships. Hammer out important details in contracts to make it official.

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