Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Nov 6, 2023 – Nov 12, 2023 – Your romantic life can open doors and expand your horizons when Venus in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn on Monday. Something you thought was a casual affair might bloom into something new. It’s time to seal the deal and see where the road to love and creativity can take you. Have fun, Taurus!

Because teamwork really does make the dream work when Venus enters Libra on Wednesday, moving into your productivity zone. Whether you’re trying to finish your work before the end of the year or working on fitness goals, everything is better when you work together.

The end of fall brings the heat when Mercury enters Sagittarius on Thursday, moving into your intimacy zone. The next two weeks are a great time to connect on a deeper level through words. Don’t be afraid to break a few taboos as you develop stronger bonds through communication.

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