The forecast for the first day of Eidul Fitr is rain and thunder.

The Meteorological Department has released a weather alert for Eidul Fitr, which falls on the first day of the religious festival, indicating rain and thunder in numerous upper regions, including Islamabad. The country is getting ready to celebrate Eidul Fitr in a few days.

According to Dr. Babar of the Meteorological Department, fresh rains are expected to start on Friday and spread throughout the nation.

The most recent projections he has given indicate that on Wednesday, rain and thunderstorms are predicted for the upper regions, including Islamabad. But on Thursday, it’s supposed to be dry and warm, which will offer some respite before the big rains arrive.

Dr. Babar has issued a warning, stating that starting Friday night and lasting through Monday, there will be another round of intense rainstorms in the nation. While most places may see clearing skies as a result of this extended period of rain, other areas may see flooding and landslides.

In particular, the Meteorological Department’s alert emphasises the possibility of intense rain and thunder between April 13 and 15, especially in regions like Dir, Swat, Chitral, Kohistan, and Mansehra, as well as the potential for floods in the vicinity of the Kabul River. Furthermore, because of the expected heavy rains, there is an increased risk of landslides in Gilgit-Baltistan, Galiyat, and Kashmir.

All institutions have been told to stay on high alert in response to these projections in order to reduce potential hazards and guarantee the safety of those residing in impacted areas. It is recommended that authorities take the appropriate safety precautions and actions to deal with any issues resulting from bad weather.

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