Throughout Ramadan, PM Shehbaz oversees an unbroken gas and power supply.

On Monday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif gave orders to guarantee that customers will have a continuous supply of gas and electricity throughout the fasting month of Ramadan.

Additionally, he oversaw the supply of all facilities to the private sector, as well as to domestic and international investors, for the purposes of exploring for, processing, and distributing gas and oil.

According to a news release from PM Office Media Wing, the prime minister presided over a high-level meeting on the petroleum industry.

Senators Ishaq Dar and Dr. Musadik Malik, together with pertinent senior officials, Sheza Fatima Khawaja, Ahad Khan Cheema, Jahanzeb Khan, Muhammad Aurangzeb, and Ali Pervaiz Malik, attended the meeting.

Speaking to the attendees, he stated that the government was not intended to do business but rather to provide all facilities to the private sector and guarantee the preservation of consumer rights, particularly those of the most vulnerable members of society.

In addition, he requested action be made to encourage international investment in the investigation of tight gas and submerged oil and gas deposits, expressing sadness that despite Pakistan’s vast marine territory being larger than the province of Balochistan, no action had been taken to uncover its untapped natural resources.

He emphasized that one of the government’s key goals was the investigation of submerged natural resources, such as oil and gas reserves, and that their full use.

Stressing the need to increase the nation’s capacity for refining petroleum, he worked to develop a comprehensive plan to eliminate the cyclical debt of the oil and gas industries and find a long-term solution.

Additionally, he gave the order to identify and take strong action against gas and oil thieves in order to lower losses in the gas industry through the use of smart meters.

The prime minister declared, “I will not allow any more wastage of the people’s hard-earned money and the loss to the national exchequer.”

In order to guarantee that customers could obtain LPG at a reasonable cost, he issued tight monitoring instructions for the industry.

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