Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Jul 25, 2022 – Jul 31, 2022 – Be careful who you trust on Tuesday. Mercury in Leo squares Mars in Taurus, bringing out the sneakiness in others. What someone says in private might not be what they say in public, so read between the lines in every conversation. Keep your own feelings close to the vest as well.
Spend Thursday recharging your emotional batteries when the new moon is in Leo and your privacy zone. Stay away from the public eye and find pleasure and emotional healing in creative pursuits. When in doubt, ask the Tarot cards for guidance.
Change isn’t easy. In fact, you might have to deal with some growing pains when Jupiter goes into retrograde in Aries and your transformation zone on Thursday. Spend the next few weeks learning to let go of the past or it will haunt you for a long time. Be brave, Virgo.