Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Oct 3, 2022 – Oct 9, 2022 – After a carefree summer and a stressful retrograde, it’s time to work on your self-discipline when Vesta moves forward in your habit zone on Wednesday. It’s time to recommit yourself to productive routines and take care of the important people in your life and your community as a whole.
However, giving back doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, Virgo, you should be dedicating yourself to having fun when Pluto moves forward in your pleasure zone on Saturday, allowing you to turn over a new leaf in your creativity. This is a great time to start new projects and just relax.
Sunday brings the possibility of big changes during the full moon in Aries and your transformation zone. This full moon can bring some deep shifts in all areas of your life, from bonding with loved ones to letting go of the past for good. Don’t be afraid of change!