Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Feb 6, 2023 – Feb 12, 2023 – If your love life is starting to get serious, it’s time to commit as Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday, moving into your intimacy zone. Whether you’re thinking about moving in together or sharing a life, you need to move past romance and into the logistics. Don’t be afraid to have some hard conversations, Virgo.

After that’s over, have some fun when Mercury conjoins Pluto in Capricorn on Friday. You might find success enjoying a new hobby, doing creative work, or jumping into a new romance. It’s easy to find power and pleasure just by using your creative mind. Enjoy the ride!

Use that creativity when it comes to your routines when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your habit zone. You don’t have to do the same routines as everyone else. You can think outside the box to make life a little easier, especially if you’re trying to help others.

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