Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Aug 28, 2023 – Sep 3, 2023 – Start the week on a healing note when the moon in Aquarius opposes Venus in Leo on Tuesday. This aspect encourages you to start taking care of your emotional well-being. Remember to form a solid relationship with yourself so you can understand your desires.

You’re ending August with a romantic blue moon during the full moon in Pisces and your partnership zone on Wednesday. It’s time to lock down your summer romance and even make a deal with some important people as you head into fall. Feel the real dream vibes as you meet your better half.

The dust finally starts to settle when Venus moves forward in your subconscious zone on Sunday, and you can clearly see what you truly want and need in your relationships. If you’re single, Virgo, stay single for a while. If you’re seeing someone, see how things flow. Don’t force anything. Let it come naturally.

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