Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Oct 9, 2023 – Oct 15, 2023 – You’re about to have one of those “what are we?” talks when Venus in your sign opposes Saturn in Pisces on Monday. The person you’re serious about might want to keep things casual instead of putting a label on it. Be flexible, Virgo, but don’t be a doormat.

It’s chess, not checkers. That’s the mindset you’ll have over the next few weeks once Mars enters Scorpio on Wednesday, moving into your communication zone. You’ll be staying one step ahead of everyone using a blend of logic and intuition. Trust your gut, but don’t lose your head.

Even if life is stressful, you’ll still be able to see the beauty of all things during the solar eclipse in your value zone on Saturday. Take a moment to soak in everything that is good and lovely about the world. While you can’t please everyone, focus on being kinder to yourself.

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