Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Nov 13, 2023 – Nov 19, 2023 – The holiday rush is upon us, and you have a lot to do during the Scorpio new moon in your communication zone on Monday. This is a great time to run errands, take some quick trips, and brainstorm how to make the most of the rest of the year. You might even have a few resolutions to write down.

Healthy communication can make your relationships stronger when the sun in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces on Friday. Whether you’re talking about the future, engaging in pillow talk with your partner, clearing the air, or signing contracts, don’t be afraid to talk it out. You’re the sign of communication after all.

Your mind is sharp when Pallas enters your communication zone on Sunday. Your intellect will fuel your ambition and motivation over the next several weeks, and your words have the power to make big changes. Don’t be afraid to speak up, Virgo.

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