Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Nov 27, 2023 – Dec 3, 2023 – Being your own PR team is going to pay off during the Gemini full moon on Monday. With the moon in your reputation zone, you’ll be able to get the recognition you’ve been seeking. This is a great time to brag about yourself as you step into the spotlight. Take a bow, Virgo!

December brings you a boost of creativity when Mercury enters Capricorn and your creativity zone on Friday. This is an ideal time to find new and interesting ways to express yourself as you enjoy the last month of 2023. It’s also a great time to find a cuffing season partner. *wink*

End the week on a romantic note when Mercury sextiles Saturn in Pisces on Saturday. This is a great time to have that “what are we?” talk without any fear. Let your imagination run free as you think about the next steps.

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