Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Dec 11, 2023 – Dec 17, 2023 – If you’re in your feels this week, get them off your chest when Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Venus in Scorpio on Monday. This is a great time to creatively express your feelings for someone you care about, Virgo, from writing a poem to making a handmade gift.

Home is where your heart is during the Sagittarius new moon in your family zone on Tuesday. End the year by putting down some roots, because this is an ideal time to move into a new home, visit family, or even start a family. Build a foundation on which you can start your next chapter.

Yikes! The last retrograde of 2023 is hurting your confidence in the creativity and love department when Mercury goes into retrograde in your pleasure zone on Tuesday. If you’re feeling blocked, find inspiration in the magic of the holidays and let your inner child out to play.

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