WB approves $149.7 million for two Pakistani projects

Details show that the funding was approved to support projects pertaining to enhanced flood resilience and the digital economy.

The global financial organization made this clear in a statement.

Financial management is anticipated to be improved through data-driven decision-making and technology-driven solutions through the 78 million dollars allotted for the Digital Economy Enhancement Project.

Increased transparency, faster public services, and economic growth are all anticipated benefits of investing in the digital economy.

Increased flood resistance is also anticipated as a result of the $71.7 million allocated for the Sindh Barrages Improvement Project.

The Punjab Family Planning Program, which aims to boost the use of family planning services in Pakistan’s Punjab state, received US$100 million in July from the World Bank Board of Executive Directors on Thursday.

The World Bank’s Country Director for Pakistan, Najy Benhassine, stated that the program’s major goals are to provide family planning methods to 60% of the population in Punjab by 2030 and to provide universal access to reproductive healthcare.

“This is essential to Pakistan’s development because rapid population growth stunts progress, decelerates the accumulation of human capital, and keeps families impoverished.”

The Punjab Family Planning Program will offer timely, cost-free access to high-quality family planning services, according to the announcement. The system that delivers family planning services will also institutionalize high standards of care.

Innovative family planning practices that have been tested in many Punjabi districts and have improved family planning outcomes—like clinical franchising, voucher programs, and family planning counseling via community leaders—will be expanded by the program.

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