Leo Weekly Horoscope

Jan 16, 2023 – Jan 22, 2023 – The retrograde may have thrown you off your game, but you’re back in action when Mercury moves forward in your habit zone on Wednesday. You’re finally productive enough to get started on your resolutions. With this dynamic energy, start by returning the phone calls and work emails you may have avoided (*side-eye*).
“Me” turns into “we” over the next four weeks when the sun enters Aquarius on Friday, moving into your partnership zone. Focus on building stronger relationships as the bonds you develop right now allow you to see a different side of yourself. Look for your “other half,” Leo.
Especially when the new moon moves into your partnership zone on Saturday. This is a great night to leave your comfort zone when it comes to love and take a relationship to the next level. Attraction can form a strong bond right now if you’re willing to open yourself to big feelings.