Statement on misprinted banknotes released by SBP

The reply was sent one day after it was revealed that a few Rs. 1,000 notes with one side incorrectly printed had been received by the Karachi branch of the National Bank.

A manager at the National Bank branch in Karachi is said to have shown “one-side blank” cash (Rs1000) from the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) in a video.
The bank manager is heard on the film saying, “The cash that arrived this morning has bundles of misprinted Rs 1000 notes.”

He expressed his ignorance of the banknotes’ circulation, saying, “One side of the notes is printed and the other is completely blank.”

When a consumer gave the bank employees several misprinted money notes, the issue was discovered. Afterwards, they examined the bundles of the just-delivered notes, discovering that all notes of the Rs 1000 denomination were one-side blank.

“Some of the notes are misprinted occasionally, but the same are detected through the checks and balances put in place,” the central bank stated in a statement on the subject today.

But, whether in industrialized nations or elsewhere, a human-made system is always subject to mistake, regardless of its strength and efficacy.

When compared to the overall amount of notes created and distributed in the nation, the finding of just ten misprinted banknotes in the shipment of NBP’s Model Colony Branch makes the case in question insignificant.

It continued, “Yet, in order to prevent a recurrence of such an instance in the future, the internal controls are being further strengthened.”

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